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Investiture Ceremony 2019

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality” said Warren Bennis. Shakthi Residential School believes that leader is a person who motivates others towards a common goal, leading the way by example and creating an environment in which other team members feel actively involved in the entire process. The Investiture Ceremony of Shakthi Residential School for the academic year 2019-2020 was held with great pomp and dignity. The event was presided over by The Managing Trustee of Shakthi Education Trust, Sri K.C.Naik. Sri Roopaksha, Lecturer-in-History of Besant PU College, Mangaluru was the Chief Guest.

The Investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested office bearers. The ceremony was held with lots of zeal and zest. The elected Leaders were conferred with badges & sashes by the Honourable Chief Guest Sri.Roopaksha. The students’ council took the pledge to hold the school motto of Loyalty, Truth and Honour in high esteem. The Chief Guest congratulated them and admonished them to be impartial and honest in discharging their duties. He also exhorted them to uphold the values. He reminded them that with position comes responsibility towards themselves, their school and peers and struggles help one to achieve heights.

The Principal Smt.Vidya Kamath spoke on their roles and congratulated them. She advised them to be role models and extended a supporting hand for the Student council for the smooth running of the school. The function concluded with the National Anthem.

School Parliament list follows:

1Master Rakshan B NaikSchool  Prime Minister
2Master Sanchay HDeputy  Prime Minister
3Master Sidhanth AcharHome Minister
4Miss Sinchana HegdeDeputy  Home Minister
5Master Pradhyuth KakunjeMinister for Cultural
6Miss GloryDeputy  Minister for Cultural
7Miss Chinmayee BhatMinister For HRD
8Master Rishiq MohiuddinDeputy  Minister for HRD
9Master MarkMinister for Sports
10Miss Tanisha Thimmappa PoojaryDeputy  Minister for Sports
11Master Atiesh GowdaMinister for Health & Discipline
12Miss  Sheikh Sohali FathimaDeputy Minister for Health & Discipline
13Master Shreyas UMinister  for Environment
14Master NihalDeputy Minister for Environment



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Shakthi is power or energy. The human body, mind and...


Mr. Sanjith Naik  – Managing Trustee, Correspondent & Secretary Sanjith Naik, has...